Here I am at Glass Beach on the California coast, tickled to find loads of smooth glass pieces--like thousands of tiny gemstones--that I can use in multimedia paintings.  This was once a garbage dump, but over time Mother Ocean graciously vanquished the rough edges from the glass trash.  All that remains are small pieces of glass now, but it gives me hope that some day our human rough edges will be softened into something of beauty and delight to behold as well.  I am always HOPEFUL.  Hold onto the light and redeeming POSSIBILITIES.  Honor artists, for they can bring forth the ideas of what is possible.  “The true artist brings forth great cosmic truths.”--Bruce Nauman
About Me
Darla Rewers, DVM
Conscious Intentional Artist-
Healer, Holistic Veterinarian,
Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner, Minister, Earth Steward, Recycler/Transformer of Old, “unwanted” things into Works of ART, Experienced Qi Gong Practitioner & Teacher, Potter, Painter, Illustrator, Writer, Designer, Hat Officionada
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